


Conjoined Tandem Bike

One of our most challenging and exciting bike builds came from a family in Vernon, British Columbia. The request came in from the Physical Therapist of Tatiana and Krista Hogan, who are extraordinary little girls. Tatiana and Krista are craniopagus conjoined twins, meaning they are joined at the head, which is extremely rare. When we got the request to build a Conjoined Twin Tandem Bike for them, our team of engineers immediately started brainstorming designs to get the girls the bike of their dreams. After many weeks of conversation, designs, calculations and effort, our team

Freedom Concepts Partners With Adidas

Freedom Concepts Partners With Adidas Freedom Concepts and Adidas worked together to build a custom adaptive bike for a 17-year old girl in Michigan, named Kacie Williams. The process began when Freedom Concepts connected with Crawl Walk Jump Run Therapy Clinic in Clinton Township, MI. Kacie was introduced to Freedom Concepts and evaluated for a customized therapy tricycle. When asked “what her dream bike would be?” she responded with “Adidas” because it’s her favorite brand. Freedom Concepts reached out to Adidas to share Kacie’s story and Adidas responded by offering to fund Kacie’s bike. From here,

By |May 7th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Custom Spotlight, News|0 Comments

Briella’s New Bike

We want to give a great big THANK YOU to Variety Detroit & Freedom Concepts for Briella’s adaptive therapy bike that she will be able to grow with and use for many years to come! Giving Briella the freedom and inclusion to ride a bike is such a blessing for her and our family. Thank you to everyone involved!

By |May 3rd, 2018|Categories: Blog, Testimonials|0 Comments

Drew’s Freedom

Drew loves the bike and is getting better and better at it everyday.  He's building his endurance and strength slowly.  For now, he's only able to go short distances before he's so exhausted he needs a break.  I'm afraid his legs are slightly weaker than I hoped.  Hopefully though, the daily practice will build up the muscles. He loves the bike, we love the bike! I'm sure he'll master the bike after some practice.  Thanks so much for your hard work!

By |May 3rd, 2018|Categories: Blog, Testimonials|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Waverly’s Freedom

Freedom Concepts bikes have affected us in a huge way. It’s really been a good piece of equipment for Waverly to keep in shape. In the spring, summer, and fall she rides her bike around the neighborhood with us, and then in the winter she keeps her bike at school to ride in the hallways. It’s FABULOUS! Waverly has Rett Syndrome, and a lot of kids lose their mobility because of the condition. They have an even higher chance of losing their mobility if they aren’t active, so our goal with Waverly is to keep her walking, running and

By |April 5th, 2017|Categories: Testimonials|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Hunter’s Freedom

Freedom Concepts is grateful for the support of non-profit funders, all across North America, who help to get bikes to children who need them. From time to time though, we come across a true grassroots effort that is as inspiring as it is generous. This is a wonderful story that illustrates how one group of colleagues, all on their own, came together to change the world for one little boy and his dad! A few months prior to getting into contact with you, Clayton had sent an email to our department requesting us to

By |January 16th, 2017|Categories: Testimonials|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments


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